support of price

The hive usdt price page is just one in Price Index that features price history, price ticker, market cap, and live charts for the top cryptocurrencies. Coin Insider is the authority on bitcoin, ethereum, ICO and blockchain news; providing breaking newsletters, incisive opinions, market analysis, and regulatory updates. Get live HIVE to USDT conversion rate and best exchange prices with our conversion calculator. This metric can be used as a predictive indicator of the asset’s future market capitalization. It is a decentralized blockchain with twenty elected witnesses that are responsibly for securing the chain.

Is HIVE based on Ethereum?

HIVE has successfully used its Ethereum operations to fund and help build out our company's global Bitcoin mining operations. Our plans are to continue expanding our sustainable green energy Bitcoin mining and seek out new growth opportunities throughout this bear cycle.

This implies that the protocol may generate additional HIVE tokens beyond its existing supply in the future. The community is bullish as more than 77% of users are feeling good about Hive today. Tokenomics data for this coin is currently unavailable. If you are new to crypto, use the University and our Help Center to learn how to start buying Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies. You can convert HIVE to USDT on LetsExchange without disclosing your identity.

Exchange Hive to Tether USD

CoinYEP Foreign exchange converter and cryptocurrency converter. Prices data are continually gathered from multiple markets. All exchange rates are updated regularly hourly every hour.

CoinGecko provides a fundamental analysis of the crypto market. In addition to tracking price, volume and market capitalisation, CoinGecko tracks community growth, open-source code development, major events and on-chain metrics. This is a one-day-time frame analysis for HIVEUSDT Here we observe R1 as the resistance area that includes the unsuccessful attempts of price in order to rise.

Currency Converter

We don’t require any private information from our clients. When the deposit is done, your exchange will be processed automatically. Pick the coin you wish to sell and provide the amount. To swap Hive to Tether USD, move to the exchange widget on the website’s homepage. Hive sold all of its ETH holdings after vowing to produce other GPU mineable coins following Ethereum shifts to Proof-of-Stake. Public Bitcoin miners sold off nearly everything they mined in 2022 but appear to have started accumulating reserves once again in what some hope is a bullish signal.

Bitcoin, altcoins and crypto-linked stocks correct sharply after FTX officially files for bankruptcy with BTC price slipping below its June lows again. The cybercrime group targeted infrastructure and persons of interest, encrypting their data and demanding cryptocurrency in exchange for decryption. The current circulating supply for Hive is 167,697,606 HIVE. 4 Ways to Earn Cryptocurrencies in You can now earn cryptocurrency as a consumer or content creator without having the skill to mine or invest in a single crypto coin. The former Huobi, mainly provides trading of mature and well-performing blockchain assets with high quality.

You should consider whether you fully understand them and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. The content of Coin Insider does not constitute any type of investment advice. SwapSpace project aims to provide a full spectrum of information for the exchange options. Only trustworthy partners and attention to the customers. Try other cryptocurrencies that are often exchanged with HIVE and USDT, or buy crypto with a credit card.


You can see the history of price changes in the cryptocurrency price chart below to help you make the best decision while considering exchanging your crypto. When you convert HIVE to USDT on LetsExchange, you are the only one to select the exchange amount. When you choose a fixed rate, it stays valid for half an hour, which is sufficient to deposit money and process an exchange. Our system will automatically find the most profitable HIVE to USDT exchange rate available across major exchange platforms. needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. The chain itself is capable of scaling multiple times it’s current capacity and with the constant development since it’s inception will have even more to offer going forward.

And S1 and S2 are our support areas which both express the well support of price. This is a one-day-time frame analysis for HIVEUSDT There is R1 as a resistance area which includes the unsuccessful attempts of the price to rise. R2 used to be a support line and S2 and S1 are our support areas that represent the well support of price at different points. Our platform offers more than 1113 coins and tokens for you to exchange. Our users can exchange any available cryptocurrencies without registering an account and going through KYC and AML procedures. LetsExchange provides all the required tools for you to check important market data and swap cryptocurrency at the right time.

Hive Backed Dollars are the Hive Blockchain’s stablecoin. Hive-backed dollars are a unique type of trustless stablecoin that is backed by the underlying value of the Hive blockchain itself and pegged to the USD. This backing takes the form of an onchain conversion operation that lets HBD be converted to an equivalent USD value of Hive itself. To check Hive’s price live in the fiat currency of your choice, you can use’s converter feature in the top-right corner of this page.

Fill in the “hive usdt the recipient address” field with the destination USDT address and provide the refund address for your HIVE if you want. If your preferred wallet is either SimpleHold or Trezor, you can press the button to connect a wallet and simplify the exchange process (more on that — in our FAQ). Check the information carefully and click the “Next” button. You can make as many transactions and trade as much crypto as you want.

Stablecoin Watch: How Safe Is Tether? Still a Good Investment? – Macrohive

Stablecoin Watch: How Safe Is Tether? Still a Good Investment?.

Posted: Thu, 26 May 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

All with your digital money assets are your own decision and do not depend on any party. Before making a decision whether to invest in USDT, we recommend checking the HIVE to USDT chart. There, you can check crypto price fluctuations in real time. Monitor both the coin’s current price and the graph demonstrating its price changes during a specified time frame. This information is required to check the current trend in the market and to make an informed decision for lucrative trading.

Price analysis 2/6: SPX, DXY, BTC, ETH, BNB, XRP, DOGE, ADA, MATIC, DOT – Cointelegraph

Price analysis 2/6: SPX, DXY, BTC, ETH, BNB, XRP, DOGE, ADA, MATIC, DOT.

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LetsExchange users aren’t requested to disclose any private information. Our HIVE to USDT exchange online instantly selects the best conversion rate for every swap. The entire exchange procedure is effortless, completely transparent and secure. Tokocrypto does not force users to make transactions.

Needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. Our HIVE to USDT converter allows crypto users to swap Hive to Tether USD without KYC and limits, at the most profitable conditions in the market. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of HIVE tokens . Hive has multiple advantages over other blockchains for building applications due to it’s fast, free transactions. Decentralized nature and immutable accounts with real usernames.

Using LTC the calculator/converter on this page, you can make the necessary calculations with a pair of Hive/Tether. 464 days have passed since then, and now the price is 12.39% of the maximum. Hive Nov 26, 2021 had the highest price, at that time trading at its all-time high of $3.41. Hive HIVE does not have a predefined maximum supply or hard limit.

This data record also provides users with useful information to make the right decision about whether it’s worth to mine a selected coin. Hello Crypto Lovers, Mars Signals team wishes you high profits. This is a 4-hour-time frame analysis for HIVEUSDT There is R1 as the long-term resistance line at which the disability of price to rise is clearly seen. And at the bottom of the chart we have S1 and S2 that are our support lines and they both include the well support of price at different…

  • Using the wallet of your choice, send your HIVE to the address you see on the screen.
  • Before making a decision whether to invest in USDT, we recommend checking the HIVE to USDT chart.
  • It is a decentralized blockchain with twenty elected witnesses that are responsibly for securing the chain.
  • This backing takes the form of an onchain conversion operation that lets HBD be converted to an equivalent USD value of Hive itself.
  • You can calculate/convert USDT from Hive to Tether converter.